Critical Habitat Designation and Species Status Assessment For the Salado Salamander

In 2020, NRS was contracted to assist in regulatory and non-regulatory actions related to the Salado salamander in portions of Bell and Williamson Counties, Texas. In Phase I, NRS assessed federally designated critical habitat locations and devised a defensible critical habitat map supported by the best available scientific literature. The Project Team analyzed the scientific and technical information provided by the USFWS and coordinated the stakeholders' efforts to successfully submit public comments in response to the proposed critical habitat designation. In addition, NRS provided a critical review and assessment of the accompanying Economic Analysis. Throughout the entire critical habitat process, NRS provided detailed analyses to be used in various settings and assisted the client in hosting various public meetings and other communications with stakeholders. Phase I of the project was successfully completed.
In Phase II, NRS provided the USFWS support in the SSA for the Salado salamander. As part of the typical SSA process, NRS participated in regularly occurring calls and meetings hosted by the USFWS. NRS was responsible for assisting in the compilation, analysis, packaging, and presentation of technical and scientific information collected by stakeholders. After submitting the compiled data and information to the USFWS, NRS was instrumental in the dialogue with the USFWS to describe collected data and ensure their understanding of the information. NRS is in the final stages of Phase II and expects to be completed in the near future.